Reasons to Pursue PACES Certification!

Who Will Benefit?

Stakeholders Who

  • Are concerned about the ergonomics, energy, water, or waste related practices of their department.
  • Have limited time to pursue sustainability initiatives.
  • Would like more information or resources to create changes.
  • Do not have a dedicated sustainability staff member.
  • Are concerned about the environment.
  • Are interested in being recognized for taking a lead towards sustainability.
  • Want to learn about campus policies related to sustainability and support in implementing those policies.
  • Want to connect with a knowledgeable team that will provide technical assistance.
  • Are interested in having their building become LEED Certified in the future (for Departments).

What Topic Areas Can PACES Help Improve?

  • Energy and greenhouse gas emissions
  • Training & communication
  • Air quality 
  • Food 
  • Purchasing
  • Waste management
  • Transportation
  • Water

Contact Us

To Find Out More About Starting a PACES Assessment in Your Department.


Has your department achieved sustainability goals in a unique or innovative way? We’d love to hear about it! Share your best practices with us at